The Cost of Courage
I recently watched a movie called, “Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.” While I was familiar with the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer and had even read his book, “The Cost of Discipleship”, the movie revealed profound lessons about leadership.
Bonhoeffer's leadership emerged in the tumultuous years of Nazi Germany, where conformity and silence became the norm for many. The Nazi Party infiltrated the church and Bonhoeffer stood out as a single voice of dissent, refusing to align with a regime that contradicted the principles of justice and faith.
Ultimately, Bonhoeffer paid the ultimate price for his leadership. He was arrested in 1943 and executed in 1945, just weeks before the end of World War II. His life and death stand as a testament to the power of conviction, the necessity of courage, and the enduring influence of moral leadership.
How does this apply to law enforcement? It does, in many ways. It may not be Nazis that have infiltrated the profession but cowards with agendas other than law and order certainly have.
Few leaders or organizations have spoken about it.
Key Leadership Traits Displayed by Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
Courage: He took bold risks, resisting the Nazi regime and standing firm in his convictions, even under threat of death.
Integrity: Bonhoeffer’s actions were consistently aligned with his beliefs, demonstrating a commitment to truth and justice.
Vision: He foresaw the danger of a compromised church and worked to establish the Confessing Church as a beacon of hope and resistance.
Resilience: Despite imprisonment and isolation, Bonhoeffer remained steadfast in his mission and continued to inspire others.
Sacrificial Leadership: He willingly gave up his safety and ultimately his life for the sake of his principles.
Ethical Decision-Making: He grappled with complex moral dilemmas and chose actions he believed aligned with God's will.
Influence through Writing: His books and letters have inspired generations to pursue courageous, principle-driven leadership.
Bonhoeffer’s legacy teaches us that leadership is not about comfort or popularity but about the courage to stand for what is right, even when it costs everything.
Standing up for law enforcement won’t cost you your life but there is a certainly a cost.
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And always remember, Lead On & Stay Courageous!
Dr. Travis Yates retired as a commander with a large municipal police department after 30 years of service. He is the author of “The Courageous Police Leader: A Survival Guide for Combating Cowards, Chaos & Lies.” His risk management and leadership seminars have been taught to thousands of professionals across the world. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy with a Doctorate Degree in Strategic Leadership and the CEO of the Courageous Police Leadership Alliance.