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There are millions of books, podcasts, and articles devoted to leadership but oddly, there are few resources dedicated to one of the most important aspects of great leaders.

They Are Followers.

If you want to achieve greatness in leadership, you must become a great follower both above and below.

Don’t Follow Rank

This may sound counterproductive and I, by no means, am advocating ignoring or disrespecting your bosses but let’s be honest. You may do what you are told by a higher rank…but you will never follow them unless they are a leader.

And leadership has nothing to do with rank. This is why great leaders, with rank, will always follow those leaders below their rank.


I’m not trying to confuse so hear me out. Following in this context, doesn’t mean to simply take orders from those that work for you…that would be weird.

What is does mean, is that you trust them, you listen to them, and you place your faith in them to accomplish the mission of the organization…you will often follow THEIR LEAD!


As a follower, you are also given a superpower…one that few possess. You don’t make about you. You make it about others. Being a follower means that the only resume that counts are those around you. Your mission as a follower is to shine the light on those around you.

Ignore The Status Quo

I am reminded at least one a week that I am an outsider in the leadership space. Not everyone wants to hear what I have to say. They would rather feel good about themselves and only hear the catch phrases and sit at the popular table at lunch. The problem with doing and saying what the masses say is that nothing changes and you would have to be insane if you believe everything is great in the law enforcement profession.

Rather than walk out of the shower and ignore the mirror in front of you, I need you to pause and look in the mirror. Only then, will you know that there is work to be down.

Lead On & Stay Courageous!

Dr. Travis Yates retired as a commander with a large municipal police department after 30 years of service. He is the author of “The Courageous Police Leader: A Survival Guide for Combating Cowards, Chaos & Lies.” His risk management and leadership seminars have been taught to thousands of professionals across the world. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy with a Doctorate Degree in Strategic Leadership and the CEO of the Courageous Police Leadership Alliance.

Courageous Police Leadership with Travis Yates
Courageous Police Leadership with Travis Yates