I'm going to have to agree with Jeff that this was an article shared at just the right time. Consider how many officers have not been exposed to courageous leadership. One retired cop, who trains, says he misses the job but is glad he doesn't have to work with any cops hired 2020 or later. Too many of those new officers have never experienced courageous leadership, only risk averse cowards.

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It is a shame when good people with talent are suppressed by their administration’s jealousy.

No one benefits from that Remember Jesus said a profit is not know in his own country.

Keep leading my brother.

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One of the best articles you’ve ever written! Probably because it hit extremely close to home to me right now. I will reserve all the rhetoric that you already know about for the sake of giving you appreciation for speaking through brother.

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To establish my credentials, let me say that I am neither LE nor a trainer. However, I was the non-sworn supervisor of a couple of police departments. I would train with them and with outside trainers. My bottom line was that they needed to be better than me as they were required to go in harm's way and I wasn't. If they weren't, they needed more training and it was my job to get it for them. In one case, I had to overrule the police chief to get it for them.

So let me invert your criticism and blame not the police departments but the non-sworn supervisors thereof. In the case where I had to overrule the chief, the problem was that based on his past experience, he didn't really believe that I would have his back until I proved it. A supervisor that doesn't have at least some notion of what his people are doing and why isn't doing his job. I came up through finance, not law enforcement and had to learn the latter on the job after I kept getting promoted and wound up with a police department.

An ancillary benefit of training with the troops is that it demonstrates your personal commitment to training and is a morale booster. How often do you get to hit your boss's boss with a baton or spray them with OC.

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You are an incredibly talented and courageous leader. Thank you for what you do. You may not remember but the first year I presented at ILEETA, you attended my class and later told me that you thought my presentation was really good. You also gave me my first challenge coins. You have had a huge impact on my future from15 years ago. Love you brother!

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