Been put to sleep and put people to sleep in MMA a few times from these holds. Very effective.

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Same here sir. It is absurd to call it deadly force and these organizations know it.

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Outstanding article! To be clear: LVNR is NOT, nor has it ever been, a “choke hold.” When properly applied, the arm does not constrict the airway. As Dr. Yates aptly points out, the leadership organizations who could have made this point and averted the LVNR prohibition were silent. The stats prove time and again that officer and suspect injuries have risen since LVNR and other less-lethal options have been banned. The future is bleak unless this acquiescence trend is reversed.

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I have been a tactics trainer for over 20 years. I’m certified as a carotid control technique instructor. I have successfully and effectively use this technique to subdue potentially dangerous and violent criminals over my 20 years of active service. I agree with Dr. Yates and his article; however, it’s almost impossible to get the toothpaste back in the tube once “leaders“ have their taste buds deadened by the bland pandering for favor from activist groups.

As leaders and subject matter experts in our respective areas, we need to be vocal and not worry about the pressure that comes from media scrutiny, politics, or the risk to career advancement…It quite literally requires courageous nobility. Thank you for continuing to write truth, and I encourage people to get on board!

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I will never unlock the self-loathing of the accidental executives and their special clubs. It’s never been stated better than this:

“To be clear, these organizations do not speak for the members as a whole.

In fact, I’m a member of the IACP and FOP and had no clue this was done.”

Keep up the great work!

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Outstanding perspective!

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An excellent article Travis! Sadly, the recent trend to shy away from proven and effective less-lethal solutions has created an environment where criminals run rampant while law enforcement officers struggle to maintain control and be effective in reducing crime. The lack of leadership from not only police leaders but other governmental leaders sends a resounding message to those working the streets: Keep your hands off of people or face the consequences... Who in the hell would want to continue working in that environment especially when it appears open season on attacking the police. Your messaging is solid and there are still many strong leaders out there who continue to do their best given the circumstances. I truly hope we can reach the others (aka cowards) and reverse this trend before any more people die (police and civilians caught in the crossfire).

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Well Dr. As you noted they want to keep their jobs. IACP is all about politics and networking as are most LE organizations. CALEA like consent decree is nothing but a money making scam and produces little. The LE profession is all about the optics and it’s symbolism without substance. Thanks

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