Spot on Dr Yates. Your insight provides me information I can use as well. Thank you Sir.

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It is true that any dealings with the DOJ will be an upstream swim in a river of corruption.

The bulk of these invasions by the Feds are cookie-cutter bullshit investigations triggered by local, and federal activist politicians, and groups.

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Great job! I am glad we are beginning to expose what is obviously DOJ bias. They demand openness and transparency but refuse to practice it!

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Great work Dr. Travis Yates on this unveiling of the travesty against the Phoenix Police Department by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. The dirty secret is that there is zero real police experience in their division, and for good reason as no self respecting LEO would have any part in what they are doing. But their scope is limited to Title VI, and they don't seem to know or understand that.

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