I worked 7 years in a county agency run by an appointed chief (the county did away with sheriff's law enforcement role due to stories of corruption in the 50s).

I agree with you that management that is accountable to the people provides certain benefits. My CoC was insulated because to replace the chief meant turning over a county exec and getting a majority of seats on a county council. Whereas, a Sheriff can be gone in one simple electoral win.

The downside, at least in my outside view, is that sheriff's depts can be very political. Essentially a patronage system, where one election can run everyone off and those that remain from previous administration are permanently on nights with crap schedules. Guy's I know that worked that environment love it when they're part of the "team", but hate being outside.

And all have told me gross stories about stopping someone close to the sheriff that has to be let go. Though, I've also seen it happen in my agency.

I think people should have knowledge about what goes on in depts. and leadership should get the same hits that street cops do. the insulated state of police leadership in America does us all a disservice

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I couldn't agree with you more. There are definitely some horror stories inside some Sheriff Departments.

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There's something about that video I really like. --- Actually, it was an awesome message that definitely left an imprint on me, likely inspiring my 'brink of failure' article. Honored to be there to witness it. Great job Dr. Yates!

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